Neurodiversity and Mental Health
Varied learning approaches and understanding of the educational environment, as well as the incidence of mental health vulnerabilities and their impact on academic success, not only add intricacy to teaching, but also to parenting. As an educator working with students who exhibit entangled educational/emotional portraits, general teaching tactics often fall short in reaching our most challenging and challenged students.
As parents and educators, how can our teaching and interactions with students be proactive and create resiliency for those that may “fall through the cracks”? What services are available in the educational community that can assist our vulnerable/at-risk children and students?
A rise in reading disabilities and co-morbid mental health issues in students invites a need for diverse strategies to engage and motivate students who demonstrate anxiety, depression, helplessness, or negative behavioral displays when faced with exceptionalities. Merging research findings, fieldwork, and encouraging support from parents will allow us to make our interactions more positive regarding the education of our children.
Eva Dechef M Ed, Special Education Teacher, Educational Therapist, Orthopédagogue L’Association des Orthopédagogues du Québec,
Sir Mortimer B. Davis School, E.M.S.B. Child Centre for Development and Mental Health, JGH
Session Category : VPC2021 Session 2